Compensation Strategy Deep Dive

Compensation Strategy Deep Dive

Uncover the strengths and gaps in your base salary strategy

Have something already in place but not sure if you want to kick off a full project with me? An alternative way to work with me is through my Compensation Strategy Deep Dive, which offers a flexible way to assess where you stand and help you get moving in the right direction—without committing to a full project.

This review focuses exclusively on the base salary elements of your compensation strategy. It won’t cover equity analysis, benefits analysis, or comparable pay analysis, though I will review these elements as part of the overall context. Below are the details on how this works and a guideline on costs.

Step 1️⃣ - Discovery

A diagnostic of your organisation’s base salary strategy, providing observations and actionable recommendations for your onward journey:

  • Existing materials: Review of your current compensation strategies/policies related to base salary, such as salary bands, levels, location-based pay strategies, and data sources used.
  • Interviews: Optional interviews with key stakeholders (e.g. Founder, Heads of Department, People Team, Finance Team).
  • Employee survey: Optional short employee survey (3-5 questions).
  • Playback: Present findings and discuss recommendations for the way forward.

How long?

The duration depends on what you already have in place. Based on previous engagements, the discovery work typically takes 1-2 days.

Step 2️⃣ - Deliver

Put the recommendations into action. I can take an:

  1. Advisory approach– guiding the team as they implement changes. This hands-off approach is more cost-effective.
  2. Hands-on approach– actively helping to implement the roadmap, which requires more of my time and therefore costs more

How long?

Duration varies from a few hours per month to several days, based on the Discovery findings and your team's capacity and capability.

💰 Costs

Day rate: £975 + VAT

This gives you 7 hours of my time and the freedom to use whenever you wish.

Hourly rate: £150 + VAT

The hourly rate is slightly higher than the day rate, but you have the flexibility to book less than a full day.

No minimum time commitment.

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🥽Compensation Strategy Deep Dive



🪜Justly Guide



